I’m starting to build my list of software that is the first to install on a new system:
- Sublime text – currently the best text editor around (multi selection editing, yay!)
- Synergy – using one mouse/keyboard for multiple systems/screens (Windows notebook next to Linux desktop)
- Git (git package, msysGit, Posh-Git, Github for Windows)
- Cmder – finally a really nice console for Windows with almost everything I’m used to from Linux, includes git command line and tab auto-complete (with ending slash 😛 )
- (Clover – tabbed windows explorer – I’m experiencing some issues with clover and currently don’t use it)
- Greenshot – advanced screenshot creation and editing
- Microsoft Visual Studio (C# web development)
- Ditto (Clipboard Manager)
- KatMouse (scroll in inactive window)
- 7-zip
- Kate (KDE text editor)
- Shutter screenshots http://shutter-project.org/
The obvious (for completeness sake) and then some…
Software development stuff
- Visual Studio Addins
- Eclipse / Scala-IDE
- smtp4dev
- playframework
- …
Also a lot is going on in the browser I guess. These are some of the most important web tools I use every day:
- Trello boards
- Redmine project management
- Google Mail & Google Calendar
- TweetDeck